Tracy Skibins

Senior Director, Emergency Management and Global Safety and Security

Headshot of Tracy Skibins
214 Hammes Mowbray Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556



As the Senior Director of Emergency Management and Global Safety & Security for the University of Notre Dame, Tracy Skibins is charged with the strategic planning, implementation, and management of the University’s overall response to all emergencies on campus and at Notre Dame's international locations. She serves as a member of the University Operations, Events, and Safety Division Leadership Team and the Notre Dame Police Department Senior Leadership Team. Tracy also serves on the St. Joseph County Emergency Management advisory board.

Previously, Tracy served under Mayor Pete Buttigieg as the Director of Code Enforcement for the City of South Bend, Indiana. In that role she led her team in the creation and implementation of the Rental Safety Verification Program for the city. In addition to many other key initiatives, the program helped residents of South Bend by promoting the health and safety of those living in rental properties throughout the community.

Prior to her work with the city, Tracy held various positions as a member of the Notre Dame Police Department, including Captain of Crime Prevention and Outreach, where she worked with faculty, staff, and students on safety measures, security audits, and practical exercises. In addition, she was a Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) instructor for several years, helping campus community members develop confidence and acquire personal defense skills.

Tracy has been a certified law enforcement officer for more than 20 years, having served on the South Bend Police Department in various roles including patrol, field training officer, and detective before joining the NDPD. In addition, she is a U.S. Army veteran with service as a military police officer. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University South Bend.